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....As a new parent, iit's so challenging and emotional to find someone to entrust your precious baby to.  We hit the jackpot with you!  From the first day we met, you've opened your arms and invited us into not only your home but eventually your heart and family....


....There was never a day where he wasn't excited to go to Miss Debbies.  Thank you for everything you taught him, and helping him grow....

The Gray's

Fo the past almost 9 years you and your family have been a very intricate part of our family.  For this my wife and I will be forever grateful.  Our boys will always have a special place in their hearts for you and the time they were around you.  Parents are always an important part of children's lives but often overlooked is their time spent with daycare and how it shapes them.  Our boys are who they are because of you and your care....


There are not enough words to express how thankful and grateful we are for you.  Your daycare had been a huge blessing for us, as parents, but also for our children....Thank you for always encouraging us as parents.  Your kind words and reassurance that we were doing a great job was the encouragement we needed on a hard day....

Nick & Mallory

It takes a special person with a beautiful heart to do what you do.  We will never forget what you have done for our family.

Daryl and Jamie

Thank you for helping the girls to "grow" and thrive.  Your dedication to them is uncomparable.


Testimonials: Testimonials
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